October 2020 marks the twentieth anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325.

As the first resolution to explicitly acknowledge the importance of women’s perspectives and involvement in peace and security, the adoption of 1325 and establishment of what we now know as the Women, Peace and Security Agenda (WPS) was a major milestone in the pursuit of feminist peace. 20 years on, we have compiled a list of essential resources that highlight both the progress that has been made and the further action that must be taken to ensure the full and adequate protection of all women in situations of war and peacetime.

If you think we’ve missed something - drop us a line!

WPS Key Resources


Oxford Handbook of Women, Peace and Security - Davies, S. & J. True (eds) (December 2018)

What is UNSCR 1325? - United States Institute of Peace (2020)

Implementing the WPS Agenda

Preventing Conflict, Transforming Justice, Securing the Peace: A Global Study on the Implementation of United Nations Security Council resolution 1325 - UN Women (October 2015)

WPS National Action Plans - LSE Centre for Women, Peace and Security (2019)

Women, Peace and Security: Guidelines for National Implementation - UN Women (October 2012)

Women, Peace and Security Index - Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security (2019)

Women, Peace and Security: Rethinking Policy, Advocacy and Implementation - LSE (October 2015)

Reflections and New directions - The Next 20 Years?

1325 and Beyond Winning Essays - Women in International Security (July 2020)

2020 Civil Society Roadmap on Women, Peace and Security - NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security (July 2020)

2020 Open Letter to Permanent Representatives to the United Nations on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Resolution 1325 (2000) - NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security (October 2020)

Focus on 2020: Opportunities for the Twentieth Anniversary of Resolution 1325 - Sarah Taylor and Gretchen Baldwin for International Peace Institute (October 2019)

From Inception to Inclusion: 20 Years Into the Women, Peace and Security Agenda (Event) - Friends of Europe (June 2020)

The Next 20 Years of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda - Phoebe Donnelly, Gretchen Baldwin, Masooma Rahmaty, and Jasmine Jaghab for IPI Global Observatory (October 2020)

Timeline: 20 Years of Women, Peace and Security - UN Women (October 2020)

Twenty Years of Women, Peace and Security National Action Plans: Analysis and Lessons Learned - Caitlin Hamilton, Nyibeny Naam, and Laura J. Shepherd for The University of Sydney (March 2020)

Women, Peace and Security: The Agenda at 20 - Security Council Report (June 2020)

WPS as evolving and contested terrain: a review of New Directions - Aiko Holvikivi & Sarah Smith for LSE (September 2020)

Intersectionality, Expansion & Inclusion

Enter Intersectionality: Towards an Inclusive Survivor Centred Approach in Responding to Conflict Related Sexual Violence - Elena B. Stavrevska for LSE (December 2019)

No Peace Without Rights: Discrimination Against LGBTQ Persons as a Barrier to the Implementation of WPS Commitments in Poland - Agnieszka-Fal Dutra Santo for LSE (August 2020)

No Room for Marginalisation: An Intersectional Approach to Gender-Sensitive Peace Processes - Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development (May 2019)

Peace and Security for Women with Disabilities - Light for the World (January 2020)

Race, Justice and New Possibilities: 20 Years of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda - Toni Haastrup & Jamie J. Hagen for LSE (July 2020)

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity as Part of the WPS Project - Jamie J. Hagen for LSE (January 2017)

The Future of LGBTQ Human Rights in the Women, Peace and Security Agenda - Jamie J. Hagen for IPI Global Observatory (July 2019)

The Importance of Human Rights and Inclusion to Building Sustainable Peace - Sarah Taylor for IPI Global Observatory (November 2019)

The Women, Peace and Security Agenda and its Implications for LGBTIQ People - OutRight Action International (2020)

A Transformative Women, Peace and Security Agenda Must Address Structural Inequalities in Peacetime - Christine Makuwa for LSE (July 2020)

Thinking Intergenerationally: WPS and the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda - Helen Berents for IPI Global Observatory (October 2020)

Demilitarisation & Disarmament

Connecting the Dots: Arms Control, Disarmament and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda - United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (October 2020)

Gender & Disarmament Resource Pack - International Gender Champions Disarmament (January 2019)

Still Behind the Curve: Gender Balance in Arms Control, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Diplomacy - United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (2019)


COVID-19: A Double Burden for Women in Conflict Settings - Njoki Kinyanjui for LSE (April 2020)

COVID-19 and its impact on women’s participation in peace processes: Challenges and opportunities - Helena Gronberg for International Civil Society Action Network (May 2020)

COVID and Women, Peace and Security Database - Global Netowrk of Women Peacebuilders (2020)

Gender Alert on COVID-19 in Afghanistan: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda - UN Women (May 2020)

Ground Realities: Women, Peacebuilding and the Pandemic - Melinda Holmes & Sanam Naraghi Anderlini for International Civil Society Action Network (April 2020)

The COVID-19 Response: What Has Women, Peace and Security Got To Do With It? - Naomi Clugston & Michelle Spearing for LSE (May 2020)