Kristina Lunz | Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director | Berlin

Kristina (born September 1989) is the Co-Founder and Germany Co-Executive Director of the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, an award-winning human rights activist, and former advisor to the German Federal Foreign Office. She’s been known for her feminist work for several years and been interviewed by and portrayed in numerous (inter)national media outlets. She was named as Forbes 30 under 30 (in both Europe and DACH), is a Handelsblatt/BCG “Vordenkerin 2020”, a Focus magazine “100 Women of the Year 2020", an Atlantik Brücke Young Leader, Ashoka Fellow as well as BMW Foundation Responsible Leader. She is a first generation university student with a graduate degree from Oxford University.

Follow her on Twitter and Instagram and view her website here. Send her an e-mail here.

Photo: F. Castro

Nina Bernarding | Co-Founder and Germany Co-Executive Director | Berlin

Nina is the Co-Founder and Germany Co-Executive Director of the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy.

Nina is a peace support professional, with experience in dialogue and mediation processes, including designing and supporting Track 1 and Track 1,5 dialogue processes, as well as natural resource management. Nina has a deep regional expertise in the Horn of Africa with a strong track record of strategic and collaborative initiatives involving a wide range of national and international political actors, including the African Union, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, the United Nations and the German Federal Foreign Office.

Previously, Nina worked for the Berghof Foundation, Conciliation Resources, the United Nations Development Programme in Sudan, the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations in New York City and the German Corporation for International Cooperation in Ethiopia.

Nina graduated from King’s College London with a Master in ‘Conflict, Security and Development’. She did her undergraduate studies in Heidelberg, Germany and Santiago de Chile, Chile. She is fluent in German and English and speaks Italian. Nina frequently speaks and publishes about feminist foreign and security policy, anti-gender campaigns, disarmamenet and arms control, women’s rights, and gender and peacebuilding.

Follow her on Twitter or send her an e-mail.

Photo: Waleria Schüle

Damjan Denkovski | Deputy Executive Director | Berlin

Damjan is the Deputy Executive Director at the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, having joined the team in 2020. He is also leading our Universal Human Rights programme, exploring the impact of anti-feminist and anti-gender ideologies on foreign policy, multilateral systems, and human rights, and working towards strengthening civil society collaboration in the protection of the rights of women and LGBTQI* individuals. In addition, he is working on developing intersectional approaches to international cooperation and development policy.

He comes from a background of peace support and security sector reform work, with experience in dialogue process design (grassroots and high-level), collaborative research and strengthening civil society participation in the peace and security sector. Previously, Damjan worked at the Berghof Foundation, the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), the Permanent Mission of the Republic of North Macedonia to the UN in Geneva and at the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre of the Norwegian Refugee Council.

Damjan graduated with an interdisciplinary Master’s degree in International Development from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva. He completed his Bachelor degree in Politics, Psychology and Sociology at the University of Cambridge.

Photo: Carl Perks

Anna Provan | Project Manager | Berlin

Anna graduated with a first-class degree in International Relations from The University of Edinburgh before pursuing an MSc in Social and Cultural Anthropology at University College London (UCL). During her postgraduate studies, she developed concentrated interests in intersectional feminism, gender, and queer theory. This culminated in a master’s thesis on the relationship between gender, performance, and masculinity based on the findings of a two-month period of field research in New York City.

At CFFP, Anna leads our programme on Feminist Peace and Security. In collaboration with partners and donors such as the German Federal Foreign Office, the Stimson Center, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, GIZ, Microsoft, and the Heinrich-Böll Foundation, Anna has led and developed initiatives on the International Arms Trade and Gender-based Violence, Including LGBTQI* Voices and Perspectives in Women, Peace, and Security, the Militarisation of Germany’s Foreign Policy, and the Militarisation of Cyberspace. Anna also led the planning and organisation of the First Ever Feminist Foreign Policy Summit, which took place at the Embassy of Canada in Berlin in April 2022.

Prior to joining CFFP, Anna worked with the ‘Next Generation Democracy’ programme at the World Leadership Alliance in Madrid and as a UN Online Volunteer, providing research and editorial support to the Tanzania Development Trust and Education Watch Pakistan.

Follow her on LinkedIn or send her an e-mail.

Sarah | Project Officer | Berlin

With several years of experience working for NGOs both in Afghanistan and Germany, Sarah’s expertise focuses on gender and conflict-sensitive development cooperation, project management and monitoring & evaluation. In addition, she has worked for research institutions and consultancy companies in the past, particularly on cross-cutting issues related to international development and the women, peace and security agenda.

Sarah's academic background is a MA in Global Studies at the University of Basel, with a focus on peace and conflict studies and migration, and a BA in Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Bamberg. She has solid field research experience, including in Uzbekistan and Kosovo and graduated with honours from the 2017 National Model United Nations (NMUN) in New York.

She is fluent in Dari, Farsi, German, English and has an intermediate command of French. A social entrepreneur, Sarah furthermore launched her own business in 2020, co-leading an educational platform – incl. social media, podcasts and provision of capacity building & training opportunities - addressing societal matters related to anti-racism, discrimination and migration. Sarah is passionate about Women, Peace and Security (WPS), Conflict Prevention, Transitional Justice, Intersectional Feminism and fighting Extremism.

Sheena Anderson | Project Manager | Berlin

Sheena joined CFFP as a fellow in October 2020 in the course of the Mercator Fellowship on International Affairs.

She did a bachelor's degree in International Political Education at the University of Applied Sciences Bremen. During that time, she also studied at Linneaus University in Växjö/Sweden. She graduated with a master's degree in Peace Research and International Politics from the University Tuebingen. Her master's thesis is an intersectional feminist direction for the climate movement. In 2018, she completed the National Model United Nations (NMUN) in New York with honors. Sheena is fluent in German and English and speaks some Spanish and Swedish.

Between her bachelor's and master's studies, she worked for the Center for Political Education Baden-Wuerttemberg in the department for the prevention of extremism. She further gained years of experience as an anti-bias trainer and freelancer in political education, providing seminars on antiracism and the prevention of right-wing extremism for youth and adults.

Sheena defines herself as Black feminist, with particular interests in Black and intersectional feminism, the climate crisis, SGBV during and after conflict, conflict mediation, racism, and the rise of right-wing extremism. Her motivation at disrupting white-male-dominated and racist spaces is driven by her own story: a Black woman raised by a working-class single mom in the predominantly white Southern German countryside.

Follow her on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Vivienne Kobel | Intern | Berlin

Vivienne (she/her) is mainly supporting our recent projects in the fields of nuclear disarmament and other intersectionally feminist approaches to international human-centric security – two topics she is very passionate about!

Vivienne is about to graduate from TU Dresden with a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations. During her programme, she has been focusing on critical theories and intersectional feminist perspectives on foreign policy – not only in terms of academics but also in activist activities.

In 2018, together with friends and fellow students, she co-founded the intersectional feminist student initiative Gender Equality Now (@genow.genderequalitynow) which has been organising several feminist lecture series and workshops at the university and beyond.

In her free time, she loves doing sports, singing, creative writing, discussing all the small or big questions of life and forgetting about time.

Annika Kreitlow | Research Assistant | Berlin

Annika joined CFFP at the beginning of 2021 as an intern and is currently supporting the team as a Student Assistant. She is a final year medical student at the Hanover Medical School, whilst also pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Political Science. Currently, she is finishing up her doctoral thesis on global health education.
Apart from her studies, she has volunteered for numerous organisations and is currently the head of the ‘Globalisation and Health Initiative’ (bvmd e.V.) and the founder of the Podcast ‘Off-Label’. She is also a passionate activist in the fight for the legalisation of abortions in Germany. Annika is passionate about global health, the intersection of foreign and health policy, as well as sexual and reproductive health rights, and aspires to combine her medical background with her feminist heart.

Julia Scherf | Accounting & Assistant to Kristina | Berlin

In January 2022, Julia from BackOfficer GmbH joined the CFFP-Team. She is the Assistant to Kristina Lunz and takes care of all accounting matters. She’s working remotely from Cologne to support the whole CFFP team to focus on their goal: to change foreign and security policy to create a safer world for all, especially those who are most vulnerable.