Global health is a feminist issue.

Global health is, itself, a study of inequalities. Shaped by major power imbalances linked to legacies of colonialism and imperialism and marked by the persisting influence of gender stereotypes, the current global health architecture fails to ensure that everyone has access to quality healthcare. Access to healthcare is a human right, which is central to and dependent on the achievement of other rights, such as education, food security, and political freedom. However, as in many other cases, it is especially women, LGBTQI* individuals, and Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPoC) who lack this access. On this page we have collected a list of essential resources to provide a foundation for the integration of feminist perspectives into conversations about global health. We will be continually updating and adding to this page as our project develops.

If you think we’ve missed something - drop us a line!

WPS Key Resources

Feminism, Gender & Gender Equality in Global Health

Delivered by Women, Led by Men - World Health Organisation (2018)

Gender and Global Health: Evidence, Policies and the Inconvenient Truth - The Lancet (2013)

Gender and Global Health Reading List - UCL Gender and Global Health

Flying Blind in a Time of Crisis - Global Health 50/50 (2021)

Men in Global Health: Time to ‘Lean Out’ - Pai (2020)

Putting Women at the Center of HIV prevention Research and Beyond - Think Global Health (2021)

The Once and Future World of Global Health Governance - Think Global Health (2021)

Why it Must be a Feminist Global Health Agenda - The Lancet (2019)

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

How to Move Forward on Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy Decisions in 2021 - MsMagazine (2021)

Not up for debate: LGBTQ People Need and Deserve Tailored Sexual and Reproductive Health Care - Guttmacher Institute (2020)

Opinion: The Power of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Achieving Health for All - Devex (2018)

Sex, Sexuality, and Sexual and Reproductive Health: The Role of Human Rights - OpenGlobalRights (2020)

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: An Essential Element of Universal Health Coverage - UNFPA (2019)

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All! - Outright International (2018)

What is Intersectionality and What Promise Does it Hold for Advancing a Rights-based Sexual and Reproductive Health Agenda? - BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health (2019)

Why Sexual and Reproductive Rights Matter for Achieving a Gender-equal World - EURACTIV (2020)

Decolonising Global Health

Are We Really Interested in ‘Decolonizing Global Health’ or Are We Rushing to Prove Our Wokeness? - Mkumba (2020)

Decolonising Global Health in 2021: A Roadmap to Move From Rhetoric to Reform - BMJ Global Health (2021)

Decolonising Global Health: If Not Now, When? - BMJ Global Health (2020)

Global Health Needs to be Global & Diverse - Pai (2020)

How (Not) to Write About Global Health - BMJ Global Health (2020)

Medical Colonialism in Africa is Not New - Aljazeera (2020)

Silenced Voices in Global Health - Think Global Health (2020)

#DecolonisingContraception - The Importance of Preventing Unethical Practice in SRH and Learning from History - Sowemimo (2018)

Will Global Health Survive its Decolonisation? - The Lancet (2020)

Discrimination in Health Care

Africa’s Health Systems are Failing to Meet the Needs of Vulnerable groups - News Medical (2021)

A Medical Student Couldn’t Find How Symptoms Look on Darker Skin. He Decided to Publish a Book About It - The Washington Post (2020)

Black Women in the UK Four Times More Likely to Die in Pregnancy or Childbirth - The Guardian (2021)

Declare Racism a Public Health Emergency - The New York Times (2021)

Discrimination Contributes to Poorer Heart Health for LGBTQ Adults - Science Daily (2020)

From HIV to COVID: Pandemics Show us Fear of Disease is Coloured With Prejudice - The Guardian (2021)

How Do We Start a Conversation About Racism in Medicine? - Christine Ekechi (2020)

Racism in Medicine - BMJ Special Issue (2020)

Reading List: The Global Situation - Racism in Health (2021)

Standard of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender - Nonconforming People - The World Professional Association of Transgender Health

The Data Was There - so why did it take coronavirus to wake us up to racial health inequalities? - The Guardian (2020)

The State of the LGBTQI Community in 2020 - American Progress (2020)

What’s Making the LGBTQ Community Sick? To Start, Discrimination and Trauma - TheHill (2021)

When Health Care Isn’t Caring - Lambda Legal (2010)

WHO Fact Sheet on Health and Sexual Diversity - World Health Organisation (2017)

The Need for Disaggregated Data

Ensuring that LGBTQI* People Count - Collecting Data on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status - New England Journal of Medicine (2021)

Gender and Sex-disaggregated Data: Vital to inform an effective response to COVID-19 - Global Health 50/50 (2020)

Gender Bias in Medicine and Medical Research is Still Putting Women’s Health at Risk - The Conversation (2021)

Gesundheitsbericht - Lage der Frauen in Deutschland - Robert Koch Institut (2020)

Inequalities in Heart Attack Care ‘Costing Women’s Lives’ - BBC News (2019)

Invisible Women - Caroline Criado Perez (2019)

Medicine’s Gender Revolution: How Women Stopped Being Treated as ‘Small Men’ - The Conversation (2018)

Recorded but not Revealed: Exploring the Relationship Between Sex and Gender, Country Income Level, and COVID-19 - The Lancet (2021)

The Deadly Truth About a World Built for Men - The Guardian (2019)

Women Have Woefully Been Neglected: Does Medical Science Have a Gender Problem - The Guardian (2019)