The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy is an international research, advocacy, and consulting organisation established in 2016.

Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy
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Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy
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Our Values

INTERSECTIONALITY: We acknowledge that varying forms of oppression intersect with one another to shape peoples' lived experiences, and we remain mindful and inquisitive of these oppressions. An intersectional approach is key to achieving and creating a foreign policy that puts humans - and not special interests - at its core and leaves no one behind. 

COLLABORATION over competition: We are focused on working collaboratively with organizations and people who share our aims and objectives, and who will use our resources to develop public support for feminist foreign policy. 

INTEGRITY: We do what we say, and are bold in our statements and ideas. We are foreign policy nerds by education and activists by heart and will always speak truth to power in the quest of making foreign policy more inclusive. 


Our Co-Founders

Marissa Conway | Co-Founder and UK Executive Director | LondonMarissa Conway is the Co-Founder and UK Executive Director of the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy and in 2019 was named on the Forbes 30 Under 30 List for her work. She is currently a …

Marissa Conway | Co-Founder | London

Marissa Conway is a feminist activist and foreign policy analyst and currently serves as the CEO of United Nations Association UK. Prior to this, she was the UK Executive Director of the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy from 2016-2022. Her work and insight have been featured in outlets like the BBC, the New York Times, Foreign Policy, and Marie Claire. She has received numerous accolades for her work and in 2019 was named on the Forbes 30 Under 30 List. 

Originally from Silicon Valley in California, Marissa began her advocacy career in human trafficking prevention. She has a BA in Political Science and a BA in Music from Chapman University in California, as well as an MA in Gender Studies from SOAS University of London. 

Follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @marissakconway and learn more about her work at

Photo: Leo Gomes

Kristina Lunz | Co-Founder and Germany Co-Executive Director | BerlinKristina is the Co-Founder and Germany Co-Executive Director of the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, an award-winning human rights activist, and former advisor to the German Fed…

Kristina Lunz | Co-Founder and Germany Co-Executive Director | Berlin

Kristina is the Co-Founder and Germany Co-Executive Director of the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, an award-winning human rights activist, and former advisor to the German Federal Foreign Office. She’s been known for her feminist work for several years and been interviewed by and portrayed in numerous (inter)national media outlets. She was named as Forbes 30 under 30 (in both Europe and DACH), is a Handelsblatt/BCG “Vordenkerin 2020”, a Focus magazine “100 Women of the Year 2020", an Atlantik Brücke Young Leader, Ashoka Fellow as well as BMW Foundation Responsible Leader. She is a first generation university student with a graduate degree from Oxford University.

Follow her on Twitter and Instagram and view her website here. Send her an e-mail here.

Photo: F. Castro

Nina Bernarding | Co-Founder and Germany Co-Executive Director | BerlinNina is the Co-Founder and Germany Co-Executive Director of the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy.Nina is a peace support professional, with experience in dialogue and mediation…

Nina Bernarding | Co-Founder and Germany Co-Executive Director | Berlin

Nina is the Co-Founder and Germany Co-Executive Director of the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy.

Nina is a peace support professional, with experience in dialogue and mediation processes, including designing and supporting Track 1 and Track 1,5 dialogue processes, as well as natural resource management. Nina has a deep regional expertise in the Horn of Africa with a strong track record of strategic and collaborative initiatives involving a wide range of national and international political actors, including the African Union, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, the United Nations and the German Federal Foreign Office.

Previously, Nina worked for the Berghof Foundation, Conciliation Resources, the United Nations Development Programme in Sudan, the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations in New York City and the German Corporation for International Cooperation in Ethiopia.

Nina graduated from King’s College London with a Master in ‘Conflict, Security and Development’. She did her undergraduate studies in Heidelberg, Germany and Santiago de Chile, Chile. She is fluent in German and English and speaks Italian. Nina frequently speaks and publishes about feminist foreign and security policy, anti-gender campaigns, disarmamenet and arms control, women’s rights, and gender and peacebuilding.

Follow her on Twitter or send her an e-mail.

Photo: Waleria Schüle


Marissa Conway, Kristina Lunz, and Nina Bernarding are the three Co-Founders of CFFP. Marissa had the initial idea to build the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy in 2016 in the UK, Kristina brought CFFP to Germany in 2018, and Nina joined forces with both of them in founding CFFP. Until early 2022, there were two legal entities, CFFP UK and CFFP Germany. After five and a half years, in early 2022, Marissa decided to move on from her position as UK Executive Director to focus on new projects focused on Feminist Foreign Policy. CFFP Germany became CFFP.


Our Partners

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Our Funders

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