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Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy Donate

Want to live in a world where everyone has the same rights?
Want to support feminist movements?
Want to smash the patriarchy?

Support us now!

You can also directly transfer to our bank account - we’d be so grateful:

Account holder: CFFP gGmbH

IBAN: DE30 4306 0967 1224 3077 00

Bank: GLS

We are a charitable organisation (gemeinnützige GmbH) so we can easily send a donation receipt to you - let us know.

(Please note that for donations under 200 EUR, confirmation can be downloaded
here. This confirmation will be valid together with the relevant bank statement.)

A Few FAQs

Why do you need my support?

Fact 1: Women-founded and -led organisations statistically have access to fewer funding opportunities than organisations led and founded by men. (The patriarchy is everywhere!)

Fact 2: The patriarchy does not pay those working to dismantle it.

Fact 3: We need independent funds to be able to challenge, question, and confront those in power. This allows us to change how and for whom foreign policy is made.

Where will my money go?

1. Supporting our work to counter the international anti-gender movement.

Around the world we are seeing increasing attacks on women’s rights, LGBTQI* rights, and human rights in general. In particular, resistance to sexual and reproductive rights (e.g. maternal health service, access to contraception and abortion) is increasing. For example, Poland is in the midst of instituting a near-total ban on abortion and the US recently signed an anti-abortion declaration alongside 30 other countries. The anti-gender actors are organised, connected, and extremely well-funded.

CFFP is pushing back against this pushback. But we are not nearly as well funded as those working to curtail our rights. Since the start of 2020, CFFP has been working alongside incredible researchers and activists, preparing a study investigating the anti-gender movements to generate ideas on how to effectively counter them (to be published early 2021). Our funding for this work will run out in early 2021, but the work will be far from over. In fact, we need to increase the scope and reach of this work, and quickly.

2. Supporting our work on racism and whiteness in (Feminist) Foreign Policy.

At CFFP, we are working to combat racism and white supremacy in (Feminist) Foreign Policy. In the summer of 2020 we organised two discussions on the topic and recently published a policy brief. Unfortunately, finding institutional to support such critical work is challenging – old white men will not pay to be deposed of. But developing this workstream and holding the agenda of both foreign policy and Feminist Foreign Policy accountable to the systemic violence it causes is more important than ever. Your support allows us to continue doing this.

3. The Women Experts’ Network.

In 2020, CFFP established and launched the WoX network of women experts in foreign and security policy. The WoX network aims to diversify foreign policy spaces and end manels once and for all. No longer can panel organisers say "we couldn't find any women." We currently have over 800 women experts registered. Imagine what we could do with a thousand, or two thousand experts? We want to continue to grow WoX as the go-to platform for women experts in foreign and security policy. However, we cannot sustainably continue the work on Wox without you!

What is CFFP planning in the medium and long term?

Climate justice!

At CFFP we take the climate crisis seriously and are currently developing a programme area focusing on feminism, security, and climate justice. We are in discussions with potential partners and collaborators to see how we can contribute to bring the achievements of activism to the diplomatic frontlines and international stage. We need your support to take our idea off the ground.

An increased focus on LGBTQI+ matters in foreign and security policy.

LGBTQI+ people are often ignored in foreign and security policy, including in the way most countries understand the Women, Peace and Security Agenda. Research shows that the violence experienced by LGBTQI+ people in conflict comes from the same capitalist, neo-liberal, patriarchal, and racist power structures that Feminist Foreign Policy fights against. The intersection of LGBTQI+ experiences with other forms of oppression mean that we must take a disaggregated look at this and use Feminist Foreign Policy to devise helpful, not harmful, policy solutions. CFFP plans to grow in this direction, but we currently have no funding for this work.

Financial stability for boldness, innovation, and long-term planning.

CFFP, like many civil society organisations, is in a precarious state when it comes to funding, especially in the medium and long term. This is exacerbated by the current COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure systemic change, we need long term engagement. We need the ability to offer our staff members the financial and emotional security of long-term contracts that enable them to thrive in their careers. We need the ability to ask the tough questions that would otherwise not be asked – without worrying whether we will still exist in a year, or five. Yes, project-based funding helps us. But project funding is always limited in terms of amount, duration, and scope. We need unrestricted and independent funding to allow for CFFP to be bold, be innovative, and make even bigger waves of change.

Looking for a way to support us more regularly? Check out our membership programme!