Militarisation is a feminist issue.

Broadly speaking, militarisation is the cultural, symbolic and material preparation for war. Grounded in the belief that a state’s security can be guaranteed (only) by the threat of violence, militarisation is a declaration of a state’s willingness and preparedness to pursue its strategic objectives through the deliberate and organised use of physical force. Excessive global military spending, armament, the unregulated trading of arms, and the possession of nuclear weapons are – without doubt – some of the most pressing challenges to international security. Furthermore, each of these issues has distinct gendered and racialised dimensions. We have gathered this collection of resources to start a vital conversation on militarisation from a feminist perspective. We will be continually updating and adding to this page as our project develops.

If you think we’ve missed something - drop us a line!

WPS Key Resources

Militarism & Militarisation

A Feminist Ethical Perspective on Weapons of Mass Destruction - Carol, C. & S, Ruddick (2003)

A WILPF Guide to Killer Robots - Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (2018)

Does Militarism Lead to Violence? Fact Sheet Building on the Global Study on UNSCR 1325 - Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (2016)

Gendered Impacts of Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas - UNIDIR (2021)

The European Union’s New Muscular Militarism in a ‘Dangerous World’ - Open Democracy (2020)

Militarism as Neo-Colonialism

Can the Subaltern Securitize? Postcolonial Perspectives on Securitization Theory and its Critics - Bertrand, S. (2018)

Challenging Militarised Masculinities - Open Democracy (2013)

Feminism and Militarism: A Comment - hooks, b. (1995)

Gendered Practices of Counterinsurgency - Khalili, L. (2011)

Imperial Democracies, Militarized Zones, Feminist Engagements - Mohanty, C. (2011)

Legitimizing Military Action through “Rape-as-a-Weapon” Discourse in Libya: Critical Feminist Analysis - Kolmasova, S & K, Krulisova (2019)

We Need an International Campaign to Resist Androcentric Militarized Neo-colonial Masculinities - Madlala-Routledge, N. (2008)

Arms Exports & Gender-Based Violence

Gender Responsive Arms Control: A Practical Guide - Small Arms Survey (2019)

How to Use the Arms Trade Treaty to Control Gender-based Violence - Control Arms (2018)

Women in Arms Control: Time for a Gender Turn? - Arms Control Association (2019)

Preventing Gender-based Violence Through Arms Control - Reaching Critical Will (2016)

Why Women? Effective Engagement for Small Arms Control - IANSA (2011)

Nuclear Weapons

A Feminist Critique of the Atomic Bomb - Acheson, R. (2018)

Banning the Bomb, Smashing the Patriarchy (TEDx Place des Nations Women) - Acheson, R. (2018)

Divestment and Nuclear Weapons - ICAN (2020)

Gender and Nuclear Weapons - ICAN (2020)

Gendered Impacts: The Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons from a Gender Perspective - ILPI-UNIDIR Vienna Conference Series (2014)

Might Feminism Revive Arms Control? Why Greator Inclusion of Women in Nuclear Policy is Necessary and How to Achieve it - International Institute for Peace (2020)

The Logic of Nuclear Deterrence: Assessments, Assumptions, Uncertainties and Failure Modes - UNIDIR (2020)

What Does Feminism Have to Do With Nuclear Weapons? - Outrider (2019)

Gender in the Military

Agents of Change? Gender Advisors in NATO Militaries - Bastick, M. & C, Duncanson (2018)

Female Fighters Shooting Back: Agency, Representation and Filmmaking in Post-Conflict Societies - Pauls, E. (2020)

German Elite Military Force Fights Far-right Extremism in its Ranks - Werkhäuser, N. (2020)

Invisible Battalion: Women's Participation in NATO Military Operations in Ukraine - UN Women (2016)

Military Masculinities - Peace and Gender Podcast (2018)

Problematizing Military Masculinity, Intersectionality and Male Vulnerability in Feminist Critical Military Studies - Henry, M. (2017)

Sexual Violence among Men in the Military in South Korea - Kwon, I. et al. (2007)

Tough Obedience: How is Militarized Masculinity Linked with Violence in the Army? - Abrahamyan, M. (2017)

Demilitarisation & Disarmament

'A Feminist Approach to Addressing Execessive Military Spending' in Rethinking Unrestrained Military Spending - UNODA (2020)

COVID-19: Divest, Demilitarise, and Disarm - Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (2020)

Feminist Leadership in Disarmament (Webinar) - SOAS University of London (2021)

Gender and Disarmament Resource Pack - UNIDIR (2021)

Investing in Human Security: How Reducing Military Spending Can Ensure Gender-Equal and Safe Communities - Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (2020)

Lost in Translation? Understanding the Relevance of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the Field of Arms Control and Disarmament - European Leadership Network (2020)

Still Behind the Curve: Gender Balance in Arms Control, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Diplomacy - UNIDIR (2019)