The rise of anti-gender campaigns is a feminist issue.

An increasingly transnational movement consisting of actors as diverse as the Catholic Church, populist governments, right-wing think tanks and concerned citizens groups has, over the last decade, shifted towards efforts to develop and produce alternative world order in which the the rights of certain groups are more important than others. These anti-gender campaigns play out at the domestic and international level, and continue to be an underestimated threat to the rights of women and LGBTQI* people, but also to democracy and human rights in general. What are anti-gender campaigns? Who are these actors? How do they operate? What do they mobilise against? What can we do about it? Below, we have started a collection of resources aiming to offer some insights into these questions – we will keep updating the list as our work develops.

If you think we’ve missed something - drop us a line!

WPS Key Resources


Denkovski, D., Bernarding, N. & Lunz, K., 2021. Power over Rights: Understanding and Countering the Transnational Anti-Gender Movement. CFFP

Kuhar, R. & Paternotte, D., eds., 2017. Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe. Mobilizing Against Gender Equality. s.l.:Rowman and Littlefield

Griffon, L., Clough, L., Pruth, C. & Johansson, M., 2019. The fierce and the furious - feminist insights into the anti-gender narratives and movement, s.l.: EuroMed Rights.

Datta, N., 2018. Restoring the Natural Order, Brussels: EPF.

Historical Analyses

Avramov, D. & Cliquet, R., 2016. The ideological divides and the uptake of research evidence - The case of the United Nations World Population Conferences. Demográfia English Edition, 59(5), pp. 83-116.

Aylward, E. & Halford, S., 2020. How gains for SRHR in the UN have remained possible in a changing political environment. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 21(1), pp. 1-15

Bunch, C., 2001. Taking stock: Women's human rights five years after Beijing. In: C. Meillon, ed. Holding on to the promise. New Brunswick: Center for women's global leadership, pp. 132-140.

Petchesky, R. P., 1995. From population control to reproductive rights: feminist fault lines. Reproductive Health Matters, 3(6), pp. 152-161.

'Gender ideology'

Grzebalska, W., Kováts, E. & Pető, A., 2017. Gender as symbolic glue: how ‘gender’ became an umbrella term for the rejection of the (neo)liberal order.

Mos, M., 2020. The anticipatory politics of homophobia: explaining constitutional bans on same-sex marriage in post-communist Europe. East European Politics, 36 (3), pp. 395-416.

Pro-gender religious perspectives

Apperly, E., 2019. Why Europe’s Far Right Is Targeting Gender Studies.

Catholics for Choice, 2013. The Catholic Church at the United Nations, Washington, DC: Catholics for Choice.

Interlinkages with right-wing populism

Mahler, J., 2018. How One Conservative Think Tank Is Stocking Trump’s Government.

Musawah, 2011. CEDAW and Muslim Family Laws: in search for common ground.

Paternotte, D. & Kuhar, R., 2018. Disentangling and Locating the “Global Right”: Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe. Politics and Governance, 6(3), pp. 6-19.

International setting

Adegbeye, O., 2019. The war on African women is supported by foreign activists, with no regard for our lives.

Cupać, J. & Ebetürk, I., 2020b, forthcoming. No Backlash without Socialization: The Antifeminist NGOs in the United Nations.

Gevisser, M., 2020. The Pink Line: The World’s Queer Frontiers. s.l.:Profile.

Goetz, A. M., 2020. The New Competition in Multilateral Norm-Setting: Transnational Feminists & the Illiberal Backlash. Daedalus, 149(1), pp. 160-179.

Sanders, R., 2018. Norm spoiling: Undermining the international women's rights agenda. International Affairs, 94(2), pp. 271-291.


Bychawski, A., 2019. MPs from 14 countries call for inquiry into ‘dark money’ millions spent by US Christian right in Europe. Open Democracy

Cullinan, K., Geloo, Z. & Haidula, T., 2020. US Christian Right Group Hosts Anti-LGBT Training for African Politicians. Open Democracy.

Hinz et al., 2021. Unholy Alliance – the Global Crusade against Reproductive Justice.

Mayer, J., 2017. Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right. New York: Penguin.

Provost, C. & Archer, N., 2020. Revealed: $280m ‘dark money’ spent by US Christian right groups globally. Open Democracy.

Vallely, P., 2020. How philantrophy benefits the super rich. Guardian.