The climate crisis is a feminist issue.

This page highlights intersectional climate justice as a crucial step in tackling the climate crisis and accepting the latter as an international security threat foreign policy must deal with. It is intended to shed light on the long history of climate activism among marginalised communities, intersectional aspects of climate change and its interconnectedness with other topics such as feminism and global health.

The climate crisis brings forth inherent global injustices, with already marginalised groups bearing the brunt of rising sea levels, droughts, and pollution. The actual realities of people experiencing climate change are often overlooked. Women and children, Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPoC), LGBTQIA+ communities, people with disabilities, and many more lack a seat at environmental decision-making and negotiation tables. By acknowledging structural inequalities, we lay the groundwork for intersectional and effective climate action that benefits all. We will be continually updating and adding to this page as our project develops.

If you think we’ve missed something - drop us a line!

WPS Key Resources

Climate Justice

Climate Justice and Social Justice - UNESCO (2019)

Principles of Climate Justice - Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice (2011)

The Power of Inclusive, Intergenerational Climate Activism - Yes! Magazine (2020)

Why Does Climate Justice Matter? - Climate Just (2017)

What is Climate Justice? - Yale Climate Connections (2020)

Climate Change as a Health Issue

Climate Change Already a Health Emergency, Say Experts - The Guardian (2018)

Climate Change and Gender-based Health Disparities - The Lancet (2018)

COVID-19 and Climate Change are Killing Black Women - ZORA (2020)

Family Affair: Coronavirus and the Climate Crisis - Think Global Health (2020)

Gender, Climate Change and Health - WHO (2014)

Inequity in Consumption of Goods and Services Adds to Racial–Ethnic Disparities in Air Pollution Exposure - PNAS (2018)

Justice in the Time of COVID and Climate Crises - Earth Justice (2021)

The Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change - The Lancet (2020)

Why the Larger Climate Movement is Finally Embracing the Fight Against Environmental Racism - TIME (2020)

Blog: Stories That Matter - Women Leaders for Planetary Health (2020)

Intersectionality and Non-White Perspectives

Black Feminism and Radical Planning: New Directions for Disaster Planning Research - Jacobs, F. (2019)

Black Lives Matter: The Link Between Climate Change and Racial Justice - Climate Analytics (2020)

Black Women are Leaders in the Climate Movement - New York Times (2019)

Climate Anxiety is an Overwhelmingly White Phenomenon - Scientific American (2021)

Developing Deeply Intersectional Environmental Justice Scholarship - Malin, S & S. Ryder (2018)

Enhancing and Expanding Intersectional Research for Climate Change Adaptation in Agrarian Settings - Thompson-Hall, P. et al. (2016)

Indigenous Feminisms: Disturbing Colonialism in Environmental Science Partnerships - Dhillon, C. (2020)

Intersectional Feminism for the Environmental studies and sciences: looking inward and outward - Lloro-Bidart, T & M. Finewood (2018)

Moving Forward to Go Back: Doing Black feminism in the Time of Climate Change - Abrahams, Y. (2014)

The Black Feminist Spatial Imagination and an Intersectional Environmental Justice - Animashaun Ducre, K. (2017)

The Global Injustice of the Climate Crisis - Deutsche Welle (2019)

We Need an Anti-Colonial, Intersectional Feminist Climate Justice Movement - AWID (2019)

Women and Global South Strikingly Underrepresented Among Top-Publishing Ecologists - Maas, B. et al (2021)

Feminist Perspectives on Climate Justice

A Feminist Approach to Climate Justice - Ontario Council for International Cooperation (2019)

Beyond Dichotomies: Gender and Intersecting Identities in Climate Change Studies - Djoudi, H. et al (2016)

Climate Change and Violence against Women: A call for an Ecofeminist Approach - Adenike, O. (2020)

Climate Justice, Gender, and Intersectionality - Perkins, P. (2018)

Ecofeminism and climate change - Gaard, D. (2015)

Eco Feminism is Intersectional Feminism - Ms. (2020)

Feminist Policies for Climate Justice - Concord (2020)

How Feminist Leadership Can Pave the Way to Climate Justice - IWDA (2019)

How Young Feminists are Re-Imagining the Climate Conversation - Ms. (2020)

Indigenous Women, Feminism and, the Environmental Humanities - Gaard, G. (2015)

‘Inequalities will become even more entrenched’: Why Climate Change is a Femnist Issue - The Independent (2016)

The Climate Crisis Needs Feminism - Mongabay (2021)

The Crucial Intersection of Feminism and Climate Justice - Gonzaga University (2020)

Toward a Feminist Care Ethic for Climate Change - Allison, E. (2017)

Why is Climate Justice a Feminist Issue - Wen (2020)

Why the Man-made Climate Crisis is a Women’s Issue - Dazed (2019)

Climate Justice as a Security Issue

Climate Change Leads to More Violence Against Women and Girls - Deutsche Welle (2020)

Climate Change must be tackled as Global Security Threat - Busby, J. et al (2021)

Defending the Future: Gender, Conflict and Environmental Peace - LSE (2021)

Don’t Call Them Climate Refugees - Think Global Health (2020)

Gender-based Violence and Environmental Linkages - IUCN (2020)

Human Security and Climate Change - IISD (2015)

Pentagon Declares Climate Change a ‘National Security Issue’ - The Hill (2021)

The Future is Climate Security - New Europe (2021)

Security Implications of Climate Change - IISS (2019)

What Foreign Policy Needs to do to Address Climate Change in the Developing World - Wilson Centre (2020)

Additional Resources.png