
What is Feminist Foreign Policy?

With Foreign Policy decisions globally being dominated by a white, male patriarchal standard, CFFP aims to challenge that norm and shake up foreign policy-making for the better. Women, children, BIPOC and LGBTQI* communities globally are still not served, supported or represented in decision making that directly affects them, and so we work to implement a Feminist Foreign Policy that is actionable, tangible, and born out of civil society activism and collective participation.

CFFP is committed to implementing tangible feminist solutions to foreign policy problems. Part of that is creating Feminist Foreign Policy programmes, networks, and communities that can directly tackle current inequalities in representation, knowledge and policy-making. Check out what we are doing across our UK and Germany teams below, and how you can get involved!

Key Activities

The First Ever Feminist Foreign Policy Summit

On the 13th of April 2022, in partnership with the governments of Canada, Sweden, Mexico, and Switzerland, civil society organisations ICAN, CREA, ICRW, and the Open Society Foundations, the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy will host the first ever Feminist Foreign Policy Summit. The Summit will constitute an opportunity to:

  • Bring together the leading thinkers and practitioners in the field of Feminist Foreign Policy to support the exchange of best practices, knowledge, and expertise;

  • Support advocacy efforts for the uptake of Feminist Foreign Policy among new actors; and

  • Take a stand against global inequality and exclusion.

Our various panels will cover topics such as climate justice, demilitarisation and disarmament, understanding and countering transnational anti-gender campaigns, decolonising foreign policy, and much much more. 

However, we won’t just start in April. Our Summit Season will begin in November 2021, with countdown satellite events taking place once a month until the full event in the Spring. This is our most ambitious event series yet. We can’t wait to see you there!

UK FFP Working Group

CFFP UK is the host organisation for the UK Civil Society Working Group on Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP Working Group). The FFP Working Group is a membership network for UK organisations and individual practitioners interested in intersectional feminist solutions to foreign policy problems. At CFFP UK, we believe Feminist Foreign Policy agendas should be developed and led by civil society, not the state, in order to better reflect the extraordinary legacies of activists and academics who have advocated for feminist ideas and action for decades.

Netzwerk F

Netzwerk F is a collaborative project between the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy (Germany) and Cosmonauts and Kings. It is a community and knowledge hub that supports young women and non-binary people take active roles in politics, especially foreign policy and foreign affairs. It aims to help women and non-binary folk overcome structural hurdles and professional gatekeeping, and contribute to the dismantling of discriminatory structures.

The Women Expert’s (WOX) Network

The WoX Network is a network of women experts in foreign and security policy set up by CFFP. The network and database aims to combat the lack of diversity when it comes to shaping security and foreign policies, be it in ministries, embassies, delegations or international conferences. Check it out to find a women expert for your event or panel today!


Make Foreign Policy Feminist: A Feminist Foreign Policy Manifesto for Germany

This manifesto intends to encourage and support those inside the next government to begin the process of systematically changing how Germany’s foreign policy operates, whom it is made for, and whom it is informed by. It introduces what a Feminist Foreign Policy would look like for Germany, including a proposed definition of a German Feminist Foreign Policy. We analyse existing German Federal Foreign Policy and outline principles of a German Feminist Foreign Policy and its priority areas, presenting action items (recommendations) for a radically different way of conducting foreign policy. Among many other topics, we address climate justice, demilitarisation, health, trade and peace & security.

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A Feminist Foreign Policy Response to COVID-19

What’s a feminist response to COVID-19? We conducted a series of consultations with the governments of Sweden, Canada, France, and Mexico on how they're approaching their response to COVID. We collated their responses in a series of best "feminist" state practices.

While we hope that all governments across the world find this paper useful, we have written it specifically with governments in the Global North in mind, acknowledging that many of the inequalities originate in our unequal international system which benefits mainly Global North governments. We thus see a specific responsibility of these governments to address the pandemic in a meaningful - and feminist! - way.

Feminist Foreign Policy for the European Union - Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy

A Feminist Foreign Policy for the European Union

Where does the EU stand when it comes to gender equality in its foreign policy? Where and how can it improve? The EU’s Greens/EFA commissioned CFFP to write a study on exactly this topic. Check it out now!

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The Feminist Foreign Policy Reading List

When CFFP first launched in 2016, there was very little research or writing about Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP). This Reading List was our way to ensure that the small pool of information on FFP was easy to find in hopes of encouraging greater education, awareness of, and research into it. Fast forward to 2020, and we are happy to report that literature on FFP is booming. Check out our latest FFP Reading List now!

Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy Disrupted - The Feminist Foreign Policy Issue

Disrupted: The Feminist Foreign Policy Issue

The aim of this journal is to highlight both established and emerging voices, and to seek to understand how the everyday actions of people - actions which might seem simply social or even private - are decidedly politically charged, and vice versa. We challenge assumptions about the unquestioned objectivity of policy - assumptions which miscalculate power structures and tend to leave an analysis of international politics lacking. We attempt to understand how the identities of both subjugated and the elite interact to reify systemic bias, and perhaps most importantly, we do not presume the authority to speak on behalf of anyone else. Ultimately, we see a feminist analysis of foreign policy not only as compelling, but as indispensable to achieve a more equal world.


Opening of the First Ever Feminist Foreign Policy Summit

This event kicked off our Summit Season - a full calendar of events leading up to the First Ever Feminist Foreign Policy Summit in April 2022. Our wonderful speakers included Margot Wallström, Former Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs; Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons; Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the International Civil Society Action Network; Düzen Tekkal, Founder of HÁ; Swedish Ambassador, Per Thöresson and CFFP Germany Co-Founder and Co-Director, Kristina Lunz.

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Make Foreign Policy Feminist: The “Feminist Foreign Policy for Germany” Launch Event

During this event, we presented CFFP’s most recent major publication, which comprehensively outlines how a Feminist Foreign Policy can and should be achieved for Germany. Our brilliant speakers included Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons; Luisa Neubauer, leading climate activist at Fridays For Future Germany; and Dylan Mathews, CEO of Peace Direct. Kristina Lunz, the Co-Director and Co-Founder of the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, chaired the event

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Feminist Foreign Policy - Employing a People-Centered Approach to Transatlantic Security and Peace

A Feminist Foreign Policy questions the traditional understanding of state security and calls for a people-centred approach to security and peace. How can this approach be integrated into transatlantic relations? On March 31st, 2021, 1014 and the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy discussed these questions with Pam Campos Palma, political strategist, former military intelligence analyst, and Director of Peace and Security at the Working Families Party; and Verity Coyle, Senior Advisor and Nonresident Fellow with Stimson’s Conventional Defense program. Moderated by Kristina Lunz, Executive Director of the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy.