Dismantling white supremacy is a feminist issue.

This page centres whiteness as a crucial concept in our discussion of racism and racial hierarchy in foreign policy research, programming and practice. It is intended to shed light on the pervasive and long-standing influence of whiteness in the maintenance of exclusionary structures of marginalisation and oppression. 

By opening up this discussion, it is hoped that we can take steps to disrupt white domination and to think differently about how we can build a more productive, inclusive Feminist Foreign Policy. As meaningful decolonisation will require a lengthy process of reflection and reflexivity on the part of white people, this collection of resources is only an introduction. We will be continually updating and adding to this page as our project develops. If you think we’ve missed something - drop us a line! 

Anti Racism Resources Key Resources

The Construction of whiteness and its consequences

8 raisons de ne pas utiliser le terme « racisme anti-Blanc » - Lallab Magazine (June 2018)

How to be an Advocate Without Perpetuating the White Savior Complex - No White Saviors (December 2019)

The Problem Of Watching World News Through White Eyes Only - Each Other (August 2020)

The Roots of Colorism, or Skin Tone Discrimination - Thought Co (January 2020)

Turn Performative Wokeness Into Allyship - Jezebel (February 2020)

When Feminism Is White Supremacy in Heels - Harper's Bazaar (August 2016)

White urgency to end racism: why now? - openDemocracy (June 2020)

Climate Justice

Access to Environmental Justice in Brazil - Climate Justice Alliance (June 2017)

Indigenous Communities are at the Forefront of Climate Resilience - Climate Home News (November 2019)

Indigenous Voices: A Call to Keep the Oil in the Ground - Huffington Post (December 2014)

Fridays for Future: zu weiß? - Karakaya Talk (November 2019)

The Erasure of Vanessa Nakate Portrays an Idealised Climate Activism - LSE Blogs (January 2020)

Women Warming Up! Building Resilient, Grassroots Feminist Movements for Climate Justice in Asia-Pacific - Asia-Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (December 2015)

Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights

#DecolonisingContraception – The Importance of Preventing Unethical Practice in SRH and Learning from History - BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health (September 2018)

Fuck Your Gender Norms: How Western Colonisation Brought Unwanted Binaries to Igbo Culture - Gal-Dem (February 2020)

How the British Empire Rewrote the Rules for Gender, Race and Sexuality in South Africa - Quartz Africa (December 2019)

Questioning Colonial Legacies in Global Sexual and Reproductive Health Interventions - BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health (July 2020)

Statement on Forced Sterilization of indigenous Women in Saskatchewan, Canada - Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (February 2018)

The Legacy of Colonialism: Law and Women's Rights in India - Dayana C. Wright (January 2007)

Why Are So Many Black Women Still Dying in Childbirth? - The Independent (August 2020)

Unwanted Sterilization and eugenics programs in the United States - PBS (January 2016)

Why India’s Law on Abortion Does Not Use the Word ‘Abortion' - ThePrint (May 2020)

Peace and security

Abolish the #TechToPrisonPipeline: Crime prediction technology reproduces injustices and causes real harm - Medium (June 2020)

Death of Asylum-seeker Oury Jalloh: German Investigators Slam Police, Courts and Politicians - DW (August 2020)

Germany: Mural honors victims of far-right Hanau shooting - DW (June 2020)

Has the killing of George Floyd sparked a 'racial awakening' in China? - DW (July 2020)

"Hierarchies of masculinities and conflict narratives" in Masculinities, conflict and peacebuilding: perspectives on men through a gender lens - Saferworld (November 2014)

In Europe, We Also Can’t Breathe - POLITICO (June 2020)

New Era of Public Safety: An Advocacy Toolkit for Fair, Safe and Effective Community Policing - The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (2019)

Overlooked and Underrated: Women in Right-Wing Extremist Groups in Germany - Amadeu Antonio Stiftung (April 2007)

Police Violence Against the Black Community in Brazil and the United States - Open Society Foundations (October 2017)

Race, Justice and New Possibilities: 20 Years of the Women, Peace and Security agenda - LSE Centre for Women, Peace and Security (July 2020)

Redefining Our Concept of Security - Brookings (December 2019)

Selective Terrorism By Refusing to Call White Supremacist Killers ‘Terrorists’, the Media Furthers its Aim of Demonising Muslims - Byline Times (August 2020)

Since I Gave You A Phone, It's Not Rape - openDemocracy (November 2016)

Violence in Minneapolis is Rooted in the History of Racist Policing in America - The Washington Post (May 2020)

What does ‘defund the police’ mean and does it have merit? - Brookings (June 2020)

Support and Solidarity

Black and Asian Feminist Solidarity Letter - Asian American Writers' Workshop (July 2020)

CFFP's Black Feminist Reading List - CFFP (March 2020)

Inexorable Solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil - The Climate Justice Alliance (August 2019)

Open Letter to Community: A call for unity and solidarity in the face of violence - Coalition of Asian-American Leaders (May 2020)

Sieben Thesen zur Dringlichkeit von Black Studies (in) Deutschland – Angesichts der beginnenden Institutionalisierung von Rassismusforschung als Integrationsforschung - Generation Adefra (2020)

Solidarity Statement by Organizations and Individuals Against Racism and Discrimination by Women of Color Advancing Peace, Security and Conflict Transformation - Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security (June 2020)

Women’s Funding Network Members: Statement of Solidarity and Condemnation of Police Brutality - Canadian Women's Foundation (June 2020)

Additional Resources


Apologies are not Enough - Decolonisation in Action (May 2020)

Check Tes Privilèges Blancs - Kiffe ta race (2020)

Kritisches Weißsein - Kanakische Welle (July 2020)

Vocal about representation and allyship - Vocal About It (November 2018)

Vous avez dit "racisme anti-blanc"? - The Womanist (2020)

Yellowfacing - Rice and Shine (May 2019)


An Introduction - Kamala Das

Blues in Schwarz Weiss - May Ayim

Collective Amnesia - Koleka Putuma